Battery disposal

Note on the disposal of old batteries

The following notice is aimed at those who use batteries or products with built-in batteries and no longer resell them in the form supplied to them (end users):

1. Free take-back of used batteries
Batteries must not be disposed of with household waste. In order to ensure professional disposal, you are legally obliged to return old batteries.
You can hand in used batteries to a municipal collection point or to local retailers. As a battery distributor, we are also obliged to take back old batteries, whereby our take-back obligation is limited to old batteries of the type that we have or have had as new batteries in our range. You can therefore return old batteries of the aforementioned type to us with sufficient postage or hand them in free of charge directly to our dispatch warehouse at the following address:

MT Audio
Höhenweg 6
91239 Henfenfeld

2. Meaning of the battery symbols
Batteries are marked with the symbol of a crossed-out garbage can (see below). This symbol indicates that batteries must not be disposed of with household waste. For batteries that contain more than 0.0005 percent by mass of mercury, more than 0.002 percent by mass of cadmium or more than 0.004 percent by mass of lead, the chemical name of the pollutant used is located under the garbage can symbol - "Cd" stands for cadmium, "Pb " stands for lead, and "Hg" for mercury."

3. Vehicle Batteries
The following special features apply to the sale of vehicle batteries (these are batteries intended for the starter, lighting or ignition of vehicles): The seller is obliged under § 10 BattG to end users for each vehicle battery to charge a deposit of EUR 7.50 including sales tax if the end user does not return the old vehicle battery to the seller at the time of purchase of the new vehicle battery. The customer receives a deposit voucher when purchasing a vehicle battery. The customer can return the old vehicle battery to the seller to have the deposit refunded. Due to the Dangerous Goods Ordinance, sending the old vehicle battery to the seller is not permitted. Alternatively, the customer can return the old vehicle battery to a collection point set up by the public waste disposal authority. If the old vehicle battery is not returned to the seller who collects the deposit, the person authorized to collect the old vehicle battery according to Section 11 (3) BattG is obliged to confirm the return in writing or electronically to the end user upon request without refunding the deposit. In this case, the customer will receive a refund from the seller for the deposit provided that he presents the seller with written or electronic proof of return in accordance with § 10 Para. 1 Clause 4 BattG, which is no older than two weeks at the time of submission